Saturday, August 31, 2013


Has it really been almost 6 months since I came back here and posted anything? The last post says March so it's been at least 5 months. Well, with school finally back in session I hope to focus some more on my gaming world.

Unfortunately I will not be making my annual trek up to Lee's Summit to enjoy a weekend of gaming at Recruits this September. And it turns out I won't be getting a chance to go to Millennium Con here in Round Rock either. Oh well them's the breaks I guess.

I am still working on Ocean Thunder. I am currently working on a complete rework of the gunnery numbers and armor values. But I think it will be for the best I'm going from a range band of three to a range band of five and I'm pulling numbers form new updated sources compared to what I had access to 20 years ago when all this madness started.

As for Limit of Advance, the micro armor game I've been working on with my buddy Evan, it is still being worked on as well. We are currently working on creating a balanced way to build scenarios for the game. I'm also working on finishing out my Czech force. When "complete" (is any army truly competed?) I will have a battalion of T-55s, the only T-72 battalion the Czechs had and a a battalion of mechanized infantry in OT-64s and 65s. That should shore up fairly well with my Americans, as long as I keep the M1s as base M1s and not M1A2s or later.

I am also in the process of painting my SL2500 Federation ships from Mongoose Games/Amarillo Design Bureau. I decided to go light grey with them and will be getting custom decals from Tenneshington Decals. Of course since these ships are so much bigger than anything else I have in the Star Trek universe I will be forced into picking up some Klingons from the same line.

Well that is it for now. I hope it won't be another 5 or 6 months before I pick up the keyboard and point my browser this way.

See y'all on the game table.